You must enable anti-illusion when fighting anyone that can illusion - Serpents, Magi, Puppetry users, Dragons or people with the Staff of Illusion. Svof’s anti-illusion is disabled by default, but is easily enabled with tn a or tn anti-illusion. To set your Dragon breath type, summon it once manually - and the system will remember. If you’d like to stop keepup or defup from redeffing your defences all of a sudden, you can switch to the empty defences mode - vdefs empty! (provided you don’t fill the empty defence mode with any defences)įor Occultists, the system will detect heartstone and simulacrum for you - making it safe to put it on defup/keepup. However, if you have something on keepup, keepup will then get it’s defences up - so for an emergency altogether, see below. If you’d like to cancel defup, you can do vdefs cancel to stop it. note:įor metamorphs, Svof will ignore defences that it can’t put up due to the low morph skill and complete defup without them. When you log in, the system is in the basic defences mode - and so whatever you have on basic keepup will get put up right away. When you QQ, the system will automatically go into the empty defences mode - so precache doesn’t take herbs back out that it puts away. A bright M by a defence means that it’s enabled and has a large mana drain. A green X by a defence means that it’s on enabled, a deep blue m by a defence means that it’s enabled, and the defence also has a small mana drain. To view your current defup list, you can use vshow defup, and to view your current keepup list, vshow keepup. You can also create new defence modes with vcreate defmode. To add/remove defences to defup or keepup, you can use vdefup and vkeep - or just click on the defences in the lists if you’re using an updated version of Mudlet. Keepup can also be disabled or enabled for convenience with tf keepup, tn keepup. Keepups job, as the name implies, is to make sure its defences always stay up - if one goes down for any reason, it’ll put it back up. After defup is done, the system will say Ready for combat!, and defup will be done - it’ll care no more about your defences.

Remember that you can tell defup to put up different defences in different modes - that is the difference in modes. When you first switch to a defence mode using vdefs, defup will put up all of the defences that are on its list. The process of putting them up is also in two stages: defup and keepup. The system organizes defences around defence modes, in which you can have it put up different defences. Take time to look through the available options and aliases as well to acquaint yourself with the system. That’s about it! Do make sure that you have all the curatives necessary on you and you should be just fine. Make sure you don’t do config prompt none, because the system does need to see your prompt stats! You should also read up on the aeon/retardation curing and practice with the two modes of it in the arena - since it’s something new and you’ll want to at least have a basic idea of what’s going on. To get a better grasp of the system, I’d recommend that you participate in some combat arena events - free-for-alls, wargames, etc - so you’ll have a little bit better idea of what to do when a real fight comes. You can also view what options have you currently set with vconfig and vconfig2 aliases. Do set it back to 0 when you’re alright, though. If you’re lagging a lot, and the system is double-doing actions because of that and etc, you can set the vconfig lag # option to help alleviate that. When you no longer need it, you can do tf ai (having anti-illusion on means the system will at times will do checks on afflictions before curing them this is slower than just curing them right away).

To enable anti-illusion in the system, you can do tn ai or tn anti-illusion. You no longer need to pause the system to sit or sleep, the system lets you do that To pause or unpause the system, you can use the pp alias - using it alone will act as a toggle, but you can also do pp on and pp off. This will have the system both recognize the output, and also has the feature of the aliases being usable at any time - the system will do the action asap for you. You want to use the dv alias to have the system diagnose and df to check your defences. Of course, the system won’t cure if it’s paused, but while it is, it’ll still track all afflictions. The system cures any ailments you get for you automatically - nothing needs to be turned on.