In North America it has a presence in Mexico and the United States in the Eurozone, it has a presence in Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Portugal, and Spain and in Central and South America, in Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama, and Peru. The company has presence in the Americas and in the Eurozone. In June 2015, Alfa announced it had acquired the remaining 37% of the shares of Campofrío held by WH Group so that Sigma can later buy it. In the Eurozone, it operates through Campofrío, jointly acquired with the Chinese WH Group in 2014. Prueba en unas empanadas rellenas de queso con jamn, puedes encontrar la receta en la pgina de en la seccin de Recetas de la Comadre. Tradicin en jamones, con gran versatilidad para todo uso, como tortas. Delicioso sabor crnico, superior a la competencia. Gran sabor para tu familia con el mejor rendimiento, calidad y confianza. Utilizado para cualquier ocasin desde desayuno a cena. Prepara los mejores platillos y recetas con el jamn Cocido Chimex rebanado que le dar un sabor nico a tus preparaciones. In the United States, it operates through Sigma Foods and Bar-S Foods, with regional headquarters in Phoenix, Arizona. Chimex Jamon 162 gr 12.20 MXN Cantidad Jamn de Chimex en su presentacin de 162 gramos. Sigma markets its products in Mexico through major supermarkets, wholesale distributors, convenience stores, and mom-and-pop outlets. The company increased its presence in the United States and the Eurozone through acquisitions, of which the two largest have been the American Bar-S in 2010, and the European Campofrio in 2014. It has 67 plants and 152 distribution centers that employ more than 38,000 people in 18 countries. Sigma reported sales of $5.4 billion for 2014. It is a subsidiary of the Mexican industrial conglomerate Alfa. It is one of the largest producers and distributors of refrigerated foods in Mexico, some of its well-known brands are Fud, Chen, San Rafael, Guten, and Yoplait. It produces and distributes refrigerated foods, mainly lunch meats, cheeses, and yogurts. de C.V., also known as Sigma or Sigma Alimentos, is a Mexican multinational food processing and distribution company headquartered in San Pedro, near Monterrey, Mexico.